7-8 Sep 2023 Fontainebleau (France)

gstlearn Workshop


gstlearn (https://gstlearn.org) is the new cross-platform Geostatistics library proposed by MINES PARIS - PSL University. It offers to users all famous Geostatistical methodologies developed and/or invented by the Geostatistic Team of the Geosciences Research Center. The name 'gstlearn' stands for several purposes:

  • GeoSTatistics & Machine Learning Library
  • Geostatistical Spatio-Temporal Learning
  • Learning Geosciences & Spatio-Temporal Models

The gstlearn workshop will take place on Wednesday September 6 in the Grand Amphi (Building B) at the Geosciences center of Mines Paris - PSL in Fontainebleau (35 rue Saint-Honoré).

During this workshop, you'll get hands-on experience of our new Geostatistics package with your own laptop, which we'll use for small-scale basic and advanced case studies (see program below). You will be able to follow the workshop and use the gstlearn package in either of the following two languages: Python or R.
Indeed, gstlearn is available in :
    - Python (v3.8 or +) for (Windows, Linux, Mac Os11)
    - R (v4.2 or +) (Windows and Linux).

If you've never used either language, or if you own a Mac, we recommend you use Python.

The only prerequisites are to bring your laptop equipped with :
(choose between Python and/or R)

    [Python] :
        - Python v3.8 or higher
        - Up-to-date jupyter notebook packages
        - The gstlearn 0.3.3 package or higher (which should install its own dependencies)

    [R] :
        - R v4.2 or higher with Rstudio software
        - Updated ggplot2 and rmarkdown packages
        - gstlearn 0.3.3 package or higher

You can test that all is well by running the script under the gstlearn installation instructions (see "gstlearn" link above). If you encounter a problem when installing these prerequisites, please contact the gstlearn team at this address, specifying the error encountered and the versions used (OS, Python, R, etc.): gstlearn@groupes.mines-paristech.fr


  9h00 -   9h30  :  Welcome

  9h30 - 10h00  :  Introduction

10h00 - 10h30  :  First steps with gstlearn

10h30 - 10h45  :  Coffee break

10h45 - 12h30  :  Classical Geostatistics with gstlearn

12h30 - 14h00  :  Lunch break (Offered by the RESSTE network and the GEOLEARNING chair)

14h00 - 15h00  :  Advanced use of gstlearn

15h00 - 15h15  :  Coffee break

15h15 - 17h30  :  SPDE with gstlearn

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